Festival de Aves y Naturaleza de Vallarta Vive una experiencia única rodeado de naturaleza, aprendizaje y diversión en el Jardín Botánico de Vallarta. Adéntrate en el fascinante mundo de las aves con recorridos guiados, actividades para niños, charlas inspiradoras y presentaciones sobre conservación. Conoce las especies más emblemáticas de nuestra región, su papel en el […]
Vanillam which comes from an orchid, not only is used to flavor foods, but has some unusual uses and a very interesting history. Meet T. J. Hartung as he talks about: History of Vanilla Monday, December 16 at 11 AM at the Vallarta Botanical Garden's office in town The office is at I.L Vallarta #399, […]
You're the Heart of Our Community! Join us for a special day of gratitude and celebration! Date: 15 Marzo Time: 12:00 pm Location: Vallarta Botanical Garden Enjoy: • Exclusive discounts and offers • Complimentary food and refreshments • Exciting giveaways and prizes • Personalized tours and demonstrations • Meet-and-greet with our team